This is a story about life as much as it is a feminist journey.

The protagonist Greer Kadetsky is a voiceless college freshman, who finds her purpose after hearing the legendary feminist Faith Frank speak at her college campus. When Faith becomes the catalyst to a future Greer never imagined, the vegetarian Greer starts to idolize her mentor to the point of being compelled to eat meat at a week-end at Faiths home, although it pains her. 

(For the omnivores out there….., believe me, that’s big!)

As Greer’s career rises, she and  the love of her life Cory, are drawn in different directions. When Cory eventually choses family over corporate success, there are questions about the definition of success, and also the definition of feminism.  

Working within a close knit group of women who strive to promote feminists causes, Greer learns how easy it is to betray someone on the same path, and how quickly friendships can be challenged.

By the book’s end, life has transformed each character, and by looking within to find answers to serious questions, they find their way.

Just read it. The Female Persuasion is richly detailed and relatable, but as always, I don’t want to give away any of the deliciously entwined story lines. Enjoy.

Meg Wolitzer is represented by Suzanne Gluck of William Morris Endeavor. The Female Persuasion was published by Riverhead Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House.


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