Eric Ives once said that Anne Boleyn was the “other woman” in his marriage because of the passion he put into the decades of research that ultimately lead to this exquisite book.

Although thoroughly researched, and factfilled, don’t expect a dry scholarly text, because Eric Ives will transport you the Court of Henry VIII, and leave you feeling that you were there to see it all, safely protected by a 500+ year distance!

But, seriously, I met Eric Ives some years ago at Hever Castle, Anne Boleyn’s childhood home, where he gave a talk about Anne Boleyn that I wished would go on for days.

If anyone has captured the intricacies her life and persona, Ives has. For a Tudor-phile, or someone who just wants to become aquainted with this extraordinary woman who still has us captivated centuries later, I can recommend this book wholeheartedly, and I’d be surprised if you only read it once.

Professor Ives, thank you for the decades you spent sharing the Boleyns’ journey with all of us.

You are missed.


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