So, why do you need an agent?
You don’t.
That’s it. You really don’t.
You can self-publish.
There are writers who have self-published and sold millions of copies in their first year, while others barely make sales through their friend group.
Some self-published books are such gems that I can imagine agents and publishers are kicking themselves and each other for not snapping up an obvious money maker, but there are also books out there that are un-edited and so poorly written that I would be embarrassed on the author’s behalf.
The self-published authors who succeed are the ones who write a darn good book and absorb everything there is to know about editing, marketing, cover design, typography, paper quality, e-books, audio-books, and the technical aspects of self-publishing.
So, why do I want an agent, and why do I want to put my books through the traditional publishing process?
I want validation.
My characters should have validation.
We dove into chapter one together, then stumbled through some and soared through others, but after a harrowing journey that transformed not only my protagonist and her world, but mine, we had to pull each other up and brush ourselves off in the final chapter where the ending brought me to tears.
A colleague once asked me why I wanted to write books, ending the question with “Haven’t you seen how many books there are out there?”
My reply was: “Yes I have, there are so many books out there that there is room for mine.â€
I had an agent once, but I realized that she wanted my books to be gentler reads, while I want to portray the struggles of life that can visit us all in raw form.
Now I’m starting over.
Close, but not quite…
Sometimes connecting with the right agent seems to be as difficult as capturing a bird, it takes patience….
Sadly, a query letter and a few pages don’t always portray an epic saga sufficiently, and the slush piles are apparently massive, so it isn’t easy to be heard.
Having received quite a few beautifully penned rejection letters, I’ll tell you what I am doing now to revamp my presentation.
First, I’m having the book re-edited by a professional and highly recommended editor, and I will write a new query and a sleeker synopsis. A new beta reader is providing fresh insight.
Second. I have always researched the agents I query, but I will do so again, and find someone who sees that my book is a great fit for their list.
Third. I also believe that it is important to keep writing through this process. I am working on another book, while I am sharing much of my reading with you, and learning all I can about breaking through the barrier I am finding between myself and a publishing house that sees the value in my work..
Things that seem difficult aren’t always impossible, they just might take longer to achieve. I believe that, and also… Luck comes to those who wait, as long as they work like hell while they wait.
I hope my ramble today has inspired you in some way, if not, maybe Richard Castle can help. (My daughter reminded me that this wonderful character was written by a woman and isn’t real at all.)
Just keep writing!
I have tried to find an agent, but it’s definitely a Catch-22 situation. You can’t get an agent if you’ve never published, and you can’t get published without an agent. But of course, that’s not true anymore. I will be self-publishing because I think I have a good story to share.
I agree completely. It’s incredibly frustrating. Good luck with your book. I hope you do well. Please keep me posted.